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Spray Dried Papaya Powder – Vinayak Ingredients India Private Limited.

Spray-dried papaya powder. Vinayak Corporation Manufacturer

Spray Dried Papaya Powder

Spray-dried papaya powder is controlled dried form of papaya fruit that has been converted into a powdered format using a controlled drying technique called spray drying.

Spray-dried papaya powder is controlled dried form of papaya fruit that has been converted into a powdered format using a controlled drying technique called spray drying. Papaya, a tropical fruit known for its sweet flavor and vibrant color, is often used to make powders that can be used in various applications, such as food production, beverages, supplements, and more.

The spray drying process involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation: Fresh papaya fruit is cleaned, peeled, and deseeded. The fruit is then pureed to create a consistent pulp.

  1. Spray Drying: The papaya pulp and food grade carrier is mixed and then pumped into a spray dryer, The pulp is atomized into small droplets using a high-pressure nozzle. As these droplets come into contact with the hot air, the water content quickly evaporates, leaving behind dried particles. Under controlled condition.

  1. Collection: The dried papaya particles are collected from the bottom of the spray dryer. These powder passed through sieve and maintain even particle size of final product.

  1. Cooling and Packaging: The spray-dried papaya powder is then cooled to room temperature to prevent moisture absorption. It is then packaged in airtight containers to maintain its quality and shelf life.


Spray-dried papaya powder offers several advantages:

Extended Shelf Life: The removal of moisture during spray drying helps in increasing the shelf life of the papaya powder, as microorganisms and naturally present enzymes that could cause spoilage are inhibited due to the low moisture content.

Ease of Handling: Powdered form makes the papaya product easier to transport, store, and use in various applications and will available in any season.

Concentration of Flavor and Nutrients: Spray drying preserves the flavor and nutritional content of the papaya while removing the water content. This concentration of flavor and nutrients is beneficial for various food and beverage applications.

Uniformity: Spray drying ensures that the particles are uniformly dried, resulting in consistent quality and performance in different recipes and products.


Spray-dried papaya powder can be used in a wide range of products, including:

Beverages: It can be added to smoothies, juices, shakes, and teas to enhance flavor and nutritional value.

Food Products: The powder can be used in baked goods, desserts, sauces, and soups to add natural sweetness and color.

Dietary Supplements: It can be used as an ingredient in dietary supplements due to its high nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Baby Food: The powder can be used as an ingredient in baby food formulations.

Flavorings: It can be used as a natural flavoring agent in various food and beverage applications.

Spray Dried Guava Powder – Vinayak Ingredients India Private Limited.

Spray Dried GUAVA POWDER Manufacturer in India - Vinayak Ingredients India Private Limited

Spray Dried Guava Powder

Spray Dried GUAVA POWDER Manufacturer in India - Vinayak Corporation

Spray-dried guava powder is a convenient and versatile form of guava that is commonly used in the food and beverage industry for various applications. Spray drying is a process in which a liquid or slurry is converted into a dried powder form through the use of hot air. This process helps preserve the flavor, color, and nutritional content of the guava while extending its shelf life with out using any preservatives.

Guava Powder, including spray-dried guava powder, can be used in a variety of ways:

Food and Beverage Manufacturing: This is the most common industry where spray-dried guava powder is used. It can be found in products such as beverages, baked goods, snacks, desserts, confectionery items, sauces, dressings, and more.

Beverage Industry: Guava powder is used to natural flavor and enhance various beverages, including fruit juices, smoothies, teas, energy drinks, and cocktails.

Bakery and Confectionery: Spray-dried guava powder can be used to infuse flavor and color into baked goods like cakes, muffins, cookies, and pastries. It’s also used in confectionery products such as candies, chocolates, and gummies.

Snack Food Industry: Guava powder can be included in snack products like granola bars, energy bars, trail mixes, and fruit snacks.

Dairy Industry: Spray-dried guava powder can be used to natural guava flavor dairy products such as ice creams, yogurts, and puddings.

Sauces and Condiments: It’s used to add a tropical twist to sauces, dressings, marinades, and condiments.

Nutritional Supplements: Guava powder is often included in protein powders, use as natural vitamin C source, as meal replacement shakes, and other nutritional supplements due to its nutrient content.

Baby Food Manufacturing: Guava powder might be used in baby food formulations to introduce new flavors and nutrients to infants.

Flavor and Fragrance Industry: Some companies in the flavor and fragrance industry might use guava powder to create natural guava flavors for various applications.

Cosmetics and Personal Care: Guava extract might be used in cosmetic and personal care products for its potential skin benefits.

Health Food and Wellness Products: Guava powder’s nutritional content might make it a desirable ingredient for health-focused products.

The popularity of guava powder, including spray-dried guava powder, may vary based on regional preferences, culinary trends, and consumer demand. Indian origin guava has strong and authentic flavour. It’s worth noting that the extent of consumption might be influenced by factors such as availability, marketing, and the overall popularity of guava as a flavor.

The usage of spray-dried guava powder in the USA can be distributed across various regions, as the food and beverage industry operates on a national scale. However, certain regions with higher populations, diverse culinary scenes, and cultural influences might see more significant usage of guava powder.

Southern States: Given the warm climate in many Southern states, tropical flavors like guava are often appreciated. States like Florida, Texas, and California might have a higher demand for guava-infused products due to their proximity to tropical fruits and flavors.

West Coast: The West Coast, including California, is known for its health-conscious and diverse culinary scene. Guava powder could be used in health foods, beverages, and innovative recipes.

Urban Centers: Major urban centers across the country, such as New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, and Chicago, tend to have a multicultural population that appreciates diverse flavors. This could lead to increased usage of guava powder in a variety of food and beverage products.

Cultural Influences: Regions with larger populations of people from Latin American, Caribbean, and Asian countries may have a higher demand for guava-infused products due to its popularity in these cuisines.

Tourist Destinations: Regions that attract a lot of tourists seeking unique and exotic flavors might incorporate guava powder into their food and beverage offerings.

Food Innovation Hubs: Certain regions known for food innovation and culinary experimentation might experiment with using guava powder in creative ways.

A taste and flavor enhancer at its best: Spray Dried Lemon Powder (40%)

Lemon Nature Identical Flavors Manufacturer & Supplier in India - Vinayak Corporation - Fruit Food Color

A taste and flavor enhancer at its best: Spray Dried Lemon Powder (40%)


For years lemon is being used as one of the best refreshment elements in various drinks. It also enhances the taste of every food item. It is responsible to make everything delicious with its own unique flavor and aroma.

There are wide varieties of lemon available in the market. For the food industries, there are lemon powders as a replacement for the whole lemon. It is nothing but your actual lemon in a powdered form.
Lemon powder is a quick solution in case there are no lemons available or if you want a convenient way to bring lemon flavor instantly without any mess. The most important advantage is that you don’t have to give pain to hands squeezing them and making hands sticky. Just take it mix it and get the original flavor right there.

Healthy Food to Increase Your Immune System

Healthy Food to Increase Your Immune System

Healthy Food to Increase Your Immune System

Healthy Food

In today’s world, it is very easy to get infected by various types of virus and bacterial infections and get yourself sick. We cannot avoid the sudden illness or infections caused but surely we can boost our immune system which will make our body sustain in such unfavourable conditions.

What should one do to boost the immune system?
The answer is in the diet and the food items that you consume. Intake of some of the food items having ingredients like various proteins, fibers, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and other health-beneficial elements. Some food ingredients have the capability which strengthens your ability to fight against any disease or viral and thus save your life.

Below are some of the sources that you should consume as immune boosters such as garlic, ginger, blueberries, turmeric, dark chocolates, oily fishes, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato, green tea, sunflower seeds, almonds, oranges, kiwi fruit, oats, chicken, eggs, beans, whole grains, brown rice, yogurt, caffeinated beverages, processed food and many others which are very easy to get in your daily life routine. Acquiring some other habits or improvements in lifestyle can also increase the immunity power such as avoid smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, doing exercise, avoid alcohol drinking, get enough sleep, maintaining good oral hygiene, and washing hands. Simply you should prefer edibles having contents like vitamin c, vitamin e, zinc, carotenoids, and omega 3 fatty acids. We at Vinayak Ingredients are providing the best quality fruit and vegetable powders and colorants containing almost all of the necessary health-enhancing elements. For more visit us at www.vinayakcorporation.com.

Eat Healthy… Stay Immune..!




According to a survey around 95% of the people around the world are having problems. Mostly it is because of the consumption of unhealthy and non nutritious food such as various cold/sugary drinks, most pizzas, white bread, and gluten free/low crab junk foods, without knowing its content.
It is found that most of the killer diseases are related to the cardiovascular problems generally caused due to the unhealthy diet. Over some years of period studies has found just 4.3% people to have no health problems.

To increase this percentage of healthiness one should look after his/her diet and try to consume the organic and natural food as it has low sugar content, high in fiber, more nutritious and helpful to cure health related problems. Yes, one cannot focus to eat such food regularly due to their hectic schedule and shortage of time. Thus you can move towards the food having natural ingredient contents in the food. Contents can be in the form of any Food colors, Flavouring agents, Sweeteners, Preservatives, Fillers, Binders, Lubricants, Antioxidants, Humectants, Coating agents, Buffering Agents in
various food industries like Dairy, Bakery, Beverages, Confectionary and Pharmaceuticals etc.
More people are moving totally towards the consumption of natural, herbal and quality food which results to the healthy diet and thus healthy lifestyle.
An industrial application of all natural food additives and ingredients can embed a good reputation and demand of products in the market and thus increase the brand name and values.
Invest in Naturals..!!

Annatto color origin, uses and benefits

Annatto Food Color

Annatto color origin, uses and benefits

Annatto is a Natural food colour obtained from outer layer of seeds of tropical tree bixa orellana. It is an orange-red condiment usually used to impart yellow or orange color with aroma to food industries like bakery, dairy, savory, beverages,spices, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and more.

The origin of annatto is in the tropical regions from Mexico to Brazil. With its culinary usage it is also used in the cosmetics to treat various skin problems. Due to its extraordinary antioxidant, anticancer, antimicrobial properties and also helps in curing eye and heart related problems. Availability of this colour is in variety of concentrations as needed and in both liquid and powdered form, both in oil and water soluble. With all its rich characteristics and properties it is considered as the liable food additive in the natural food colour segment.
Go Healthy …Go Natural…!!

High in demand herbal flavoring and Aromatic Compound

High in demand herbal flavoring and Aromatic Compound

peppermint tea - spearmint tea

This is the well known herb that grows mostly in the moist environments more in the tropical areas. The species that makes up the genus Mentha can be found in various environments also growing 10 to 120 cm tall and grows all year round.

Mints are mostly aromatic compounds growing more than two years. They have wide spreading branched steams with dark green leaves. As there are number of species almost 3000 names have been published in genus mentha

For the commercial cultivation the most popular known mints are Peppermint (Mentha Piperita), Native Spearmint also known as common mint and lamb mint (Mentha Spicata), Scotch Spearmint (Mentha Gracills), Corn Mint (Mentha Arvensis), Apple Mint (Mentha Suaveolens).

On the commercial side they are available in the forms of Essential oils, Powders and Crystals as in the name of Menthol Crystals having wide range of applications in the Culinary, Food, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical and Nutraceuticals Industries. They are used in various consumer goods such as Antiseptic, Chocolates, Candies, Alcoholic Beverages, Juices, Desserts, Herbal Medicines, Face wash, Toothpaste and much more.

They have certain health benefits as they are Rich in Nutrients, Help in digestion, Masks Bad breath, Could improve brain function and reduce breast feeding pain, Treats Asthma, . There are more benefits such as this and has no side effects if consumed in limits as it is totally natural. Using mint gives out a coolant effect as it has its own aroma and flavour which enhances the taste and other sensory properties of a certain product.

The flavour that you can have moreover..!!